Sobre a embalagem
2012-01-27 leia-se: 501
Flexible packaging definitely provides a number of ways to "think outside the box" when it comes to creative and economical product marketing.
Flexible packaging companies continue to grow as more and more of them look to set their products apart with respect to health and the environment. This packaging method can be safer for the environment, provide more customized options for flexible food packaging in a more health-conscious way, and help you save money while making your products stand out on store shelves.
Flexible packaging comes in a variety of forms, including flexible plastic packaging such as flat or stand-up plastic bags, shrink sleeves other plastic food packaging that takes the shape of the product, or pouches with high-quality laminates for materials such as cosmetics, to name a few options.
Flexible packaging and graphics also go hand in hand. Many flexible packaging companies offer custom graphics services as a component of their flexible packaging options to create custom labels that help your products stand out on store shelves and communicate the authenticity of your product to the customer.
Some advantages include:
Flexible packaging can cut your costs.
Flexible food packaging or flexible plastic packaging can help your company become greener.
Flexible packaging solutions can punch up your product identity with great graphics.
Flexible packaging offers many advantages to consumer product goods companies, from weight reduction and space compression to increased shelf visibility. For consumers, convenience is even more critical--serving as a differentiator that draws an initial sale and retains consumer brand loyalty. Defining convenience in flexible packaging is essential to fully leveraging all of its benefits and ensuring both initial shelf impact and long-lasting consumer/brand relationships.
New technologies can help brand managers and packaging engineers develop packaging that is easy for consumers to use, integrates well into everyday lives, and appeals to other buying influences such as environmental concerns. With these new technologies and approaches to resealable technology, flexible packaging can be effective in helping brand owners build a close relationship with consumers.
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